Friday, June 1, 2012

lynas and 428

Rare earth is a kind of natural sources which is not harmful by itself 

to the environment. It is very useful in industry. However, there 

will be a lot of waste products which are radioactive during the 

smelting process. To put it simply, the process should be carried out 

in the desert or somewhere people do not live or else the waste 

products will represent a serious health hazard to human.

         Do you think it will be a stupid thing to do if a factory for 

smelting rare earth is built just about 3 km away from a residential 

area? Recently, I heard of news that a mining company in Australia 

called LYNAS is going to build a factory smelting rare earth in 

Kuantan. It has been given permission by our government to do so. 

Just like the above-mentioned, the waste products are harmful 

enough, let alone the factory is located just 3 km away from the 

residential area. It really makes me want to say:

F....        LYNAS!       

If you’ll pardon the expression.       I think the LYNAS Company is 

very irresponsible to do thing like that. How can they be so selfish? 

Australian are afraid of being affected by the radiation. What about 

us???!!! They don’t want their country to be polluted, nor do us!! 

They love their own country, so do us!!!     A lot of people held a 

sit-in in Kuala Lumpur to protest against building process of Lynas 

in Kuantan. It was just a peaceful protest but eventually the police 

threw tear bombs and blasted them with water cannons. So in the 

end, they could only fight back against the police. How could the 

police do this?? Don’t we have democracy and human rights?? 

People just stood up and expressed their minds in a peaceful 

manner, but they were subdued by the government using such a 

violent and unacceptable method. I wonder if the government listen 

to the voice of the people. It is clear that people are adamant and 

say “No” to the Lynas , I think the government should have known 

that and they must strike a delicate balance between profits and 

people’s health. Which one is more important? I think they should 


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